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Biology, page 1
This is a list of links that caught my interest and
may be useful to other teachers and students.
You can browse by just scrolling down or by clicking on a subject area from
the following list:
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Biology, general
- AP Biology Resources and Life Science Resources are part of a larger site set up for science teachers to share their ideas.
- The Biology Project
- CELLS alive!
- Welcome to THE SCIENTIST
- Action Bioscience An educational resource of the American Institute of Biological Sciences
- Wildlife Biology Info A web page for wildlife professionals, biologists, students, and others seeking wildlife or resource management information, tools, software, job and career info, and humor.
- The Alife Page Find out about the fascinating subject of artificial life.
- WWW Virtual Library: Instructional Resources in Biology
- Bio Online: Life on the 'Net
- BioAgMed INFOMINE Search Screen
- The Nanoworld Home Page
- Bugs in the News!
- BIOSIS Biosystematics & Life Science Resources
- Books On-line: QH-QR Biological Sciences A list of books available in-full on the internet.
- Earth Life Web A web site dedicated to supplying you with all the information you want about life on this planet. In short, it is an encyclopedia of life on earth.
- - Careers for Life Science: a top biotechnology career resource for job seekers and employers alike, with hundreds of jobs, thousands of resumes and tools to bring candidates and employers together. Also a good source for general information on the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries.
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Biology Teaching Tools
Access Excellence A very rich resource for biology teachers. Every biology teacher should visit this site.
- Science Master: Life Aimed at both teachers and students, this is an excellent site.
- The ESG Biology Hypertextbook Home Page While aimed mostly at the college level, teachers and AP students will find this site useful.
- ZeroBio This Web site is intended for secondary school science students in grades 9 to 12 (OAC in Ontario, Canada), but American and other English-speaking students and teachers will find it useful.
- Biology in Motion Check out this site soon for many animations which will help you teach or learn biology.
- Action Bioscience lesson directory provides original peer-edited lessons, written by science educators, to specifically accompany peer-reviewed articles on this site.
- Web Labs Check out this site soon for many simulations or web labs for biology.
- World of Teaching This site has free Power Point presentations written by teachers for teachers, various subjects.
- TeachOne PPT Files has several Power Point Presentations covering a few of the topics from most first semester high school biology classes. These are my own creations. You are free to use and change any of these as you see fit.
- The Biology Page created by DeLoy Roberts, a biology/zoology teacher at Skyline High School in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Listed are a few items that might make your teaching of the science of Biology just a little easier.
- Critical Thinking in Biology: Case Problems This page illustrates how case problems, or problem based learning, can inspire students to develop scientific reasoning skills. It is aim at the college level but should be useful for high school teachers.
- CELLS alive! A good introduction to basic cell biology. CELLS alive! has been provided free of charge and continuously since 1994.
- The Science Room From Frontier High School, Oklahoma, the Science Room has Power Point Presentations and labs.
Carrefour BIODIDAC Image Library This is very large collection of free images, all of interest of biology and physiology teachers.
- Biology Labs On-Line offers a series of interactive, inquiry-based biology simulations and exercises designed for college and AP high school biology majors. These simulations are available on a paid annual subscription basis.
- The Biology Project at the University of Arizona
- Introductory Biology Labs from Ohio U. Especially good for AP biology.
- Biology Teaching in Hong Kong This site has useful information in different formats.
Beyond Bio 101: The Transformation of Biology Education
Biology 4 Kids A fee-based site.
Advanced Placement Biology This site is no longer being up-dated, but still has useful info.
- The Biology Binder
This site is maintained by a high school biology teacher. It includes notes / study guides, interactive quizzes, online activities, and numerous science links relating to all biology topics.
Human Biology Course Notes (Leeds, UK)
Fast Plants Use fast plants to explore all aspects of plant growth and development while introducing students to the process of scientific exploration.
- BioMedia Some free resources, but most resoucres are for sale.
Biology Lesson Plans
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Anatomy and Physiology
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Ecology and the Environment
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Biology Site Links and Indexes
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