Get these and other fine education books at and help support my site.
TeachOne -
Evolution, Genetics and Biotech
- Evolution Links
- Genetics and Biotech
. . . . .
- PBS Evolution This is great site that is tied to the PBS Evolution series now
available on video tape.
Evolution Website, from BBC Education, is a useful site.
Darwin's books on Project Gutenberg.
Includes Origin, The Expression of Emotion,
and Voyage of the Beagle.
Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science
This is the complete text of the report by the
National Academy of Sciences with advice and guidelines.
Other online books are also available in
the NAS reading room
The National Center for Science Education, NCSE,
sponsors the
Human Evolution Education Network (HEEN)
to bring together K-12 science teachers and scientists
whose expertise is human evolution.
The Evolution and the Nature of Science Institute has lesson plans
covering aspects of evolution and the nature of science.
The Evolutionist
an electronic magazine from the London School of Economics
covering evolution.
The Talk.Origins Archive This has an on-going
discussion or debate between scientists and creationists.
Voyage of the Beagle from Access
Access Excellence: Evolution activity.
Evolution Information from Laurence A. Moran of the University
of Toronto, this site has a great annotated list of links.
Darwin's Webring The sites on this webring are of mixed
quality, but some are good.
An Introduction to Evolution
The Darwinian Homepage
-'s Evolution Directory
EvolveIT Home This virtual lab
is designed to help you understand the various
processes of evolution. This simulation is
based on documented evolution within the finches
of the Galapagos Islands.
Evolution Research News "The Academic Guide to Evolution News and Research" News, feature articles,
and books on evolutionary biology.
The Unoffical Richard Dawkins Page
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Genetics and Biotech
Access Excellence This site is well named.
"Excellence" is no hype. Every biology teacher
should check out this site.
Natural History of Genes
Highly reccomended, this is one of the best sites
for teaching genetics.
Genetic Lesson Plan Ideas
Also highly reccomended, this site, from the
Genetics Education Center, at University of Kansas, is
definately worth a visit.
Bio Tech Educational Resources, at Iowa State University,
has lesson plans, labs and Power Point presentations.
The Guardian, which describes itself as "the UK's most popular
newspaper website", has a special site on the
new genetics and bioengineering. This is an excellent site for teachers
and students alike.
Biotechnology Resource for Educational Advancement of
Curriculum in High Schools covers an abundant amount of information
to expose your students to biotechnology. From Arizona State University.
The DNA Learning Center
is also reccommended and is from
the Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Its
DNA from the Beggining is a good site but requires
Shockwave and RealPlayer.
Medelian Genetics on The Biology Project (UA).
National Agricultural Biotechnology Council
The NABC provides an open forum to discuss
environmental, human safety and other issues
surrounding genetical modified food.
Welcome to BioTech
Virtual fly lab is an
educational application for learning
the principles of genetic inheritance.
You design matings between
female and male fruit flies carrying one
or more genetic mutations.
Human Genome Project, Stanford
Biotechnology, Yahoo This is Yahoo's extensive
directory of biotech sites.
UK Human Genome Mapping Project (HGMP-RC)
Eugenics Archive Experience the unfiltered
story of American eugenics and consider how science
and psuedo-science were misused.
MendelWeb Homepage
BioMedNet While this site is for professionals,
you will find alot of useful information here
including puzzles.
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Copyright January 1999